Hillvue Heights Church

Images from Hillvue


Want to join us?

From time to time, we have a membership seminar to introduce potential members to our history, our faith practices, and our expectations for members at Hillvue, as well as offer the opportunity to join Hillvue through membership in the church.

2014 Seminar dates
  • January 8
  • February 12
  • March 26
  • April 23
  • May 14

These seminars will be held in either the Choir Room or Chapel at 6:30 p.m. on the dates listed above.

Do you want to join, but can't be at a seminar? Contact Pastor Jeff Reynolds for other options.

Hillvue Heights Church is a place for all people committed to fulfilling the mission of C3HD through Biblical faith practices. If you would like to join us in our work, we ask you to affirm the following membership expectations:

  1. Understand and Engage in our mission
    • Connection
      • to a relationship with Jesus through the cross and resurrection
      • to the community of faith
      • to the truth of God's word
    • Healing
      • becoming whole and getting better
    • Development
      • discovering and using your gifts in God's mission to the world
  2. Understand and Engage in our Vision
    • Hillvue Heights Church is a place for all people to encounter Jesus
    • Members must maintain an environment that is open for all people to experience Jesus (Galatians 3:27-29).
  3. Protect Our Unity
    • Love the People (John 13:34-35, 1 Corinthians 3:27-29)
    • Refuse to gossip. (Ephesians 4:29).
    • Respect the Leadership (Hebrews 13:17).
  4. Participate in our Faith Community
    • Participate in worship and welcome others into worship
    • Participate in biblical teaching. Be teachable.
    • Participate in church ministries; serve and be ministered to.
    • Participate in building relationships with others in the church.
    • Participate in prayer. Pray without ceasing.
  5. Have a Giving Attitude
    • Give your time, gifts, talents, effort, and money.
    • Remember, God loves a cheerful giver.

As a part of signing our membership agreement, you will be asked to affirm the beliefs, vision, core values, and faith practices of Hillvue Heights Church, as well as agree to the membership responsibilities. You will be agreeing that you are an active follower of Jesus Christ and that you have been biblically baptized, and to contribute your gifts, talent, time, and financial resources to help advance our mission throughout Bowling Green, the nation, and to the ends of the earth.

Hillvue Heights Church
3219 Nashville Road
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101-4048
Office hours:
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 5 PM
(270) 842-0012 or
(877) 842-0013
FAX (270) 796-2701